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Farm Fresh Honey

We are a small, locally owned apiary in rural Piqua Ohio, dedicated to providing natural honey straight from our hives. Hannah & Shane started keeping bees right after they finished college, picking up where Shane's mother had left off. Now we have 3 thriving hives with more on the way! See us at the Piqua Farmer's market or order direct from us. We can facilitate direct pickup from our porch.

Fresh Honey Jar with Pouring

Pure, Local, & Natural

🍯 Raw Honey – Full of local pollen and delicious nectar
🌿 Local & Natural – Made in Miami county's rural landscape
💛 Made with Care – We only use safe, organic methods to ensure hive health

Why Choose Local Honey?

✅ Supports local pollinators & the environment
✅ Rich in antioxidants & natural enzymes
✅ More tasty flavor, unlike mass-produced store-bought honey, which is often pasteurized, stripped of pollen, and may contain additives like corn syrup

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Shop Our Honey

More options are on the way! Bulk order discounts available. Contact us for details.

12oz Glass Honey Jar

12oz Jar

Why Glass Jars?

We stick to tradition with glass jars because they protect the purity of our honey - no microplastics, just the rich, raw flavor nature intended. Glass also makes it easier to gently warm crystallized honey without damaging its quality. Plus, we offer $1 off for every jar you return, helping us reduce waste together!

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Contact Us

We're happy to fulfill your orders and answer your questions! Email us at [email protected] or call us at 937-381-9766. Please fill out the form below and we'll get back with you:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of honey do you sell?
Wildflower honey from rural Piqua, Ohio. Our bees forage freely across the countryside.
Is your honey organic?
No, "organic" is a strict legal term. Since bees forage up to three miles, it’s nearly impossible to guarantee.
What if my honey crystallizes?
Warm it gently in a pan of hot water. Avoid microwaving, as it can create hot spots and burn the honey.
How is your honey strained?
We strain it to 400 microns- removing wax and bee bits while keeping all the natural pollen intact.
Do you feed your bees sugar water?
Only when needed and never with honey boxes on. Like any livestock, bees require proper care.
Do you use chemicals for mites?
Yes, healthy bees are a must! We only use natural treatments like formic acid and never treat when honey boxes are on.
Do you move your hives for pollination?
No, our hives stay in our apiary. We may pollinate clover in the future- bees love it!
Are you a commercial beekeeper?
No, we’re a small-scale apiary with under 10 hives- its just a hobby we love!
Why is raw honey better than grocery store honey?
According to this article, most grocery store honey is ultra-filtered to remove pollen, making it difficult to verify its source and quality. This processing strips honey of its natural benefits, leaving only a sugary syrup without the health properties of real honey.
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12oz Raw Wildflower Honey


Harvested from the rolling fields and wild meadows of rural Ohio, our raw honey captures the rich flavors of clover, wildflowers, and blooming trees. This 12oz glass jar holds 100% pure, unfiltered honey, preserving its natural pollen, enzymes, and deep, golden sweetness. Perfect for drizzling over warm biscuits, stirring into tea, or enjoying straight from the spoon!

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The Royal Highness Apiary Team

The Royal Queen

Every hive has a single queen, and she’s the only one who lays eggs—up to 2,000 per day! Her pheromones keep the colony organized, ensuring the workers and drones know their roles. While she rarely leaves the hive, she’s essential to its survival.

The Loyal Workers

Worker bees, all female, do it all—collecting nectar, making honey, tending to the young, guarding the hive, and even regulating the temperature by fanning their wings. They live only a few weeks in summer but make the most of their time, flying up to five miles in search of flowers.

The Loafing Drones

Drones don’t have stingers and don’t gather food. As males, their primary role is to mate with a queen from another hive to ensure strong genetics. As summer ends, they are no longer needed and are naturally pushed out of the hive to conserve resources.

Shane & Hannah

We provide our bees with a safe, healthy home, protecting them from pests and predators. From hive care to honey harvesting, we ensure both the bees and their honey are treated with respect every step of the way.